Guest Singers

The Manchester Chorale has been participating in Bridgewater Hall concerts for many years. On average, we perform three or four concerts a year there, usually in the second half of the year. For these concerts, we need a choir larger than our membership to balance the professional orchestras with whom we appear, such as the Manchester Concert Orchestra, the Manchester Camerata or the BBC Philharmonic. We have a core of Guest Singers who appear regularly with us, but we are always keen to add to our numbers.

Our Musical Director


Jill Henderson-Wild has been with us since 2006.

Her biographical notes are in the People page.

Our Assistant Musical Director

Dave Robinson

See the People page for more details

2024 Concert Dates:


  • 29 June 2024, 7:30pm, at Emmanuel Church, Didsbury 
  • 6 July 2024, 7:30pm, at the church of St Michael and All Angels, Hawkshead
  • 19 October 2024, 3:00pm, at St Margaret's Church, Prestwich
  • 7 December 2024, 3:00pm, at Didsbury Baptist Church
  • 24 December 2024, 3:00pm in the Bridgewater Hall
  • 15 March 2025, 7:30pm, with Bury Youth Big Band at Bury Parish Church
  • 10 May 2025, 7:30pm, with the Master Singers at All Saints Parish Church, Cawthorne
  • 5 July 2025, 7:30pm, at the Bridge Church, Otley
Tickets can be reserved here